Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Generation X-er Finally Blogs. Hello!

Hello and welcome to my blog,

And yes, I'm a bit late to be catching on to "blogging", especially coming from a generation that has been lucky enough to experience the web boom and bust of the new millennium and "iPods", "Blackberries" and the "Bluetooth" (all three of which I have yet to own). But regardless, here we are.

I'll be maintaining this blog to rant and rave about the new era of commercial printing and all the fun things that go along with it ( for me), graphic design, and any cool happenings in the marketing world. And perhaps, a few odd things that I catch on to and decide to hippies unknowingly hanging "Bright-Lite" games around Boston and causing city-wide bomb scares (after all, it was a marketing strategy for a TV show).

If you've got an opinion, a question, or some interesting news, please let me know -

All the Best,